Monday, February 21, 2005

Leah's an accomplished skier! Posted by Hello

Here's our cute Ski girl. Posted by Hello

She's doing great! Posted by Hello

Oops! Posted by Hello

Here' Kathryn on her first day skiing. Posted by Hello

Tuesday, February 15, 2005

Here's Kathryn squaring off with Rex Kwan Do. Posted by Hello

Alex and Kathryn at the Zoo. Posted by Hello

On Saturday we spend a great day at the Denver Zoo. Posted by Hello

Giant Snakes! AHHHHH! Posted by Hello

Kathryn is about 4' 5''. Posted by Hello

Leah is 5' 2'' or 3'' or so. Posted by Hello

Nathan is just under 5 feet. Posted by Hello

Kathryn and Leah checking out a Polar Bear. Posted by Hello

Here's Leah looking at a Tiger. Posted by Hello